Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Years Eve Shoes...

A friend, we'll call her Chicago, asked me what she can do for shoes on New Years. She doesn't want to rock heels, because she's doing disco hippie dance party to celebrate 2012. I want you all to know that when I picture this, it's very funny- lots of flow-y dresses and hippie dancing all to the sounds of the Bee Gees. She will probably correct me, as I am sure that's not at ALL what it's actually going to be like, but in my head... so fun.

She asked if she could wear sequined Ugg boots. I can only assume she means something like this:

Let's go ahead and admit that I do NOT think that this is an option. Uggs are appropriate when you're in Australia travelling from the beach to your house, especially in the winter. Other than that... please stick to the fashion line. So here are some options!!!

Okay, Chicago, I know you live somewhere where it will be cold and wet on New Years Eve, so I start with my favorite option for this winter: 

Motorcycle boots. The ones pictured here are from Target. I also know Kohls has them for decently cheap. But these are a little more sturdy, go with the hippie chic so well, and are a little less... tack-a-licious. Less Snookie, if you will. Moving forward...

Some funk-a-licious women's drivers/loafers. I know it's all snow friendly up there, but I still offer this. I think that with the usefulness of a driver can be perfect for a night out. And get them in a super fun color so that they're cool. Plus these in sequin are so much cooler than an Ugg. Finally...

The small wedge boot. Unlike the motorcycle boot, this kind of boot can be a little more glamorous and have more embellishments. These are a very small wedge, so it won't give you leg pains, but it will keep you on your toes if you're dancing. Plus, they're kind of 60's, and very fun. You could even try to find these in a fun color (like violet or teal). 

So, Chicago, there's my ponderings on your conundrum. 

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