Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I Missoni You So...

So, unless you've been under a rock or in a cave or you've turned into Christopher McCandless (and if you have, why are you reading a blog about fashion?) you probably heard about the Missoni rush at Target. I did not participate on that EPIC day. However, today? I definitely got some goodies. After all the time passed for people to return items (WHO RETURNS MISSONI?!) I decided to get my goodies.

Let me start this portion by explaining that having certain assets that are abnormally large can make swimsuit shopping difficult. I bless them some days, but curse them most. So, to find a black and white Missoni tankini for $15.00 was a major score for me. I'm used to dropping $100 on a bikini, easy. So, behold, the newest love of my life, and no it will NOT be worn in the pool:

I've already tried it on, and I will need one more piece to really make it functional, but it is SO cute. I'm so excited for it. 

I also splurged a little and got a full priced makeup bag for my purse. It's a larger bag, but to be honest, my purse is so huge that I needed a little something to keep some smaller items in. It's a gorgeous black and cream pattern, and I am looking forward to keeping it near me at all times. 

Now, mind you, this was not the blog I had in mind for tonight, but I will say this: It was fun, I get to brag, and I love my new items. Now, I'm pooped, and I must head to bed so I can be up for my morning run. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Years Eve Shoes...

A friend, we'll call her Chicago, asked me what she can do for shoes on New Years. She doesn't want to rock heels, because she's doing disco hippie dance party to celebrate 2012. I want you all to know that when I picture this, it's very funny- lots of flow-y dresses and hippie dancing all to the sounds of the Bee Gees. She will probably correct me, as I am sure that's not at ALL what it's actually going to be like, but in my head... so fun.

She asked if she could wear sequined Ugg boots. I can only assume she means something like this:

Let's go ahead and admit that I do NOT think that this is an option. Uggs are appropriate when you're in Australia travelling from the beach to your house, especially in the winter. Other than that... please stick to the fashion line. So here are some options!!!

Okay, Chicago, I know you live somewhere where it will be cold and wet on New Years Eve, so I start with my favorite option for this winter: 

Motorcycle boots. The ones pictured here are from Target. I also know Kohls has them for decently cheap. But these are a little more sturdy, go with the hippie chic so well, and are a little less... tack-a-licious. Less Snookie, if you will. Moving forward...

Some funk-a-licious women's drivers/loafers. I know it's all snow friendly up there, but I still offer this. I think that with the usefulness of a driver can be perfect for a night out. And get them in a super fun color so that they're cool. Plus these in sequin are so much cooler than an Ugg. Finally...

The small wedge boot. Unlike the motorcycle boot, this kind of boot can be a little more glamorous and have more embellishments. These are a very small wedge, so it won't give you leg pains, but it will keep you on your toes if you're dancing. Plus, they're kind of 60's, and very fun. You could even try to find these in a fun color (like violet or teal). 

So, Chicago, there's my ponderings on your conundrum. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Bracelet to Climb all others.

As promised, I am documenting all of the online purchases made through these discount companies, like ShoeDazzle, JustFab, StyleMint, and JewelMint, which will be the topic of tonight's blog.

Upon discovering JewelMint, I was INSTANTLY in love. Unlike ShoeDazzle (here after SD) and JustFab (here after JF),  it's website is clean. Their quizzes had items that actually appealed to me, and wasn't just the best possible answer. So, when I was "defining" my style, it was actually what I liked, not just what I liked best of the options. The website isn't bedazzled with hearts and exclamation points, nor does it look like a 12 year old designed it (please note, I haven't cancelled my account yet, and if that's your thing, more power to ya. I'm just more into clean.)

I enjoyed the note "from" the creators; it was sweet and welcoming, but not overbearing- well orchestrated. Then, I got to my show room, and there it was. The funkiest, coolest, sassiest bracelet I've seen in a while. Please understand, I'm always looking for bracelets, because I have a tattoo on my wrist, and not all employers appreciate it. But it was just sitting there, as my top pick. I saw it and I knew I wanted it. It was multi-colored rope with a giant silver clasp.

So I lusted after it for about 5 days, and then Folly came to my rescue: a 70% off coupon! Well, for 8.99,  I was in. When I clicked on it, I was reminded that (and this is really the BEST part) shipping is free. And then I waited.

Okay, I got busy, and it fell to the back of my mind. So, when Folly texted me 2 days ago, letting me know she got her necklace, I ran to my mailbox. Well, I ordered my bracelet a few hours later than Folly (I work later!) and that's what made the difference. But this is where we discovered the minor flaw in JewelMint: they say you can track your package, but when both Folly and I tried, we discovered that it only says "Processing." Mine still says that, and it was delivered yesterday.

Anyway... I received mine today, and I wanted to share my thoughts.The clasp is heavy. I like that. You wrap the bracelet yourself, so it doesn't always look the same. That's very nice. The shine of the clasp makes it look classy, but I really love the rope, which keeps it funky.

I loved the packaging it came in. LOVED IT. It came in a black padded envelope, that said JewelMint on it. When you open the envelope, there's a mint box with a chocolate colored ribbon wrapped around it. Slide the ribbon off, and open the magnetically closed box, and find a velvet covered cushion, which pops right out. Then, under the cushion is the lovely velvet bag, complete with a JewelMint metal charm. And inside is the little trinket. It was really a treat to get. I feel like I ordered something for dessert. It's sweet and luxurious and a bit indulgent upon opening it. So, here, my sweets, are some photos of the deliciousness (and yes, that's my puppy off to the side investigating the package.)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

To Order or Not To Order, That Is The Question- A Teaser

I have been postponing this blog, because I wanted to write it with some photos and such, but I'm going to start from here, and hopefully my bracelet will be here soon. So consider this a preview of sorts, to be finished while I sob as I'm following FNO on Twitter and watch Project Runway tomorrow evening. I hope.

Here are the upcoming topics of blogs:

Online shopping has taken a whole new turn with the invention of sites like Shoe Dazzle, Just Fab, JewelMint, StyleMint, BeautyMint, etc. I have begun to call, order from, and look through each company. Okay, maybe I haven't ordered from each company, but me and my friends are trying different things. I ordered a bracelet from JewelMint. Folly ordered a bracelet and has ordered from ShoeDazzle. I think the next shall be StyleMint.

I will also be explaining the process of (wait for it...) applying to fashion school. That's right, yours truly is applying to two fashion schools. Parson's New School of Design and FIDM. So, as the application process continues I'll be updating. I need all the motivation I can get.